David, our 18-year-old grandson, graduated last Sunday from Cypress Bay High School in Weston, Florida. Cypress Bay is one of the largest high schools in the country with a student population of over 5,000.
David's class was the largest graduating class in the United States in 2009. Twelve hundred students gathered at the BankUnited Center (the University of Miami's basketball arena) in Coral Gables to receive their diplomas and the plaudits of family and friends.

Even in Miami, golf cars are used for a variety of purposes.

The graduating seniors begin to file into the arena.

As the arena filled up, some folks were allowed into the sky boxes.

The arena was about 2/3rds full, and I would guess that there were at least six or seven thousand people present.

As the last graduate came across the stage, caps were thrown into the air.

Because of the size of the crowd, it took some time for families to connect with their graduates after the ceremony. The next few photos are scenes of people waiting.

The American flag and the University of Miami flag wave gracefully over the lawn at the BankUnited Center.

This scenario gives a vision of the changing face of America. Weston, where Cypress Bay High School is located, is about evenly divided between Hispanic and Caucasian students with African-Americans, Asians and other ethnic groups mixed in.
The city of Miami is now over 70% Hispanic.
I have read where scholars predict that by 2050, Hispanics will be the majority ethnic group in the United States.