Friday, October 9, 2009

Furniture sold here

Actually, I think the second level of this attractive building is empty. The building is, however, part of that huge furniture store that seems to cover several blocks. Furniture is sold on the main level.

It 'tis an interesting structure, though. Located directly across from Market Square in Lake Sumter Landing.

Photo taken with a Nikon F100, 100 Fuji Reala film.

Grace Lutheran Church - Ormond Beach

Grace Lutheran Church is affiliated with the ultra-conservative denomination, the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

Cedar Key floral arrangement

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Square at Spanish Springs

Photo by Lois Anne.

First Baptist Church of Citra

Photo by Lois Anne.

House for rent - on Main Street

This photo was taken in the evening...the atmosphere was blue!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The stage on the square - Lake Sumter Landing

It seemed strange to find Market Square at Lake Sumter Landing empty of people and the stage silent of song. This was taken late morning recently. Everyone must have been playing golf!

Nikon F100, Fuji Reala 100 film.

Fort Drum

About every 40-45 miles along the Florida Turnpike (which runs from Wildwood to Miami -- some 275 miles) there are plazas which offer a respite for tired drivers. You can buy gasoline, food, and assorted other goodies. Most important they offer restrooms.

When we first moved to Florida in 1985, these plazas were awful dumps! Through the years, however, they have been upgraded and now are quite pleasant. The authorities work very hard to keep the restrooms and other areas clean.

It is 300 miles from Ocala to Fort Lauderdale. This is the Fort Drum plaza which is approximately half-way.

Foaming at the beach

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Down to the boardwalk - Lake Sumter Landing

As you can see, this part of Lake Sumter Landing's boardwalk consists of concrete blocks...but it only lasts for a little while...the great majority is wood. It is a wonderful thing to walk down these steps on a balmy evening and meander about with nothing better to do that snap a few photographs.

Snake in the tree

On our daughter's land in Davie, Florida, stands a tree by a pond. Iguanas hide in the tree. Occasionally, when frightened, they leap from the tree into the pond making a big splash and scaring nearby humans out of their wits.

One day last weekend, we were looking up in the tree in a vain attempt to spot an iguana. But we did see a snake. A long snake. About four plus feet long. So, naturally, I took some photos. The first photo was with flash so is a bit brighter than the second photo which was without flash.

I thought, because of its color, it was a poisonous snake. Not so. It is a corn snake, or better known in these parts as a red rat snake. It is not venomous.

Nevertheless...I wouldn't want it climbing up my leg or landing on my head.

Between a gift shop and Frog's Landing

On the dock in Cedar Key. These colorful steps lead to a gift shop which is adjacent to a restaurant called Frog's Landing, which I'm pretty sure serves frog legs if you're so inclined.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bell tower, Lake Sumter Landing

It's not a church but just one of the buildings near the square in Lake Sumter Landing. It's a very nice bell tower. I've never heard it ring, though.

Iguanas galore

These darn things are very hard to photograph...they're very skittish and run like the wind.

In South Florida, they've been breeding big time and have become a problem in many areas. These two live with many others in the trees, rocks and ponds of our daughter's home in Davie, Florida.

Just the other day, in Fort Lauderdale, I believe, a young girl tried to feed an iguana some strawberries and the thing bit her, creating a huge mess which required about 63 stitches to close.

Oftentimes, you can see them wandering down the sidewalks.

A look back at the Dock

This is a slightly different version of a photo we posted recently...this one's by Lois Anne.