We found this place down a side road in Summerfield, Florida. At first we thought it was an abandoned school, but then concluded it was probably an old factory of some sort. The property was fenced, gated and locked up, so we couldn't get close. There is some writing at the top of the building, but we were not able to make it out.
Rather a spooky place just sitting there going to ruin.
Shooting into the sun created a lens flare.
It's a pity to see this place so abandoned. I think this building can have a beautiful story.
God bless you
This is such an interesting old building. I'm glad you stopped to investigate. It makes a worthy subject for your lens.
spooky indeed ...love such stuff....thanks Jacob...u made my day....
A spooky place, indeed! I wonder what it will look like in HDR. Awesome find!
It's a building which could be beautiful!!! Here there is very popular to convert those kind of places into fancy flats or restaurants - hope someone will try to do soemthing about the building there:)
Beautiful. Unstoppable effect of time!
It looks like...hmmmm...an old factory, I think. So many windows! Could it have been a facory where clothing or shoes were made? The building is spooky now but was probably a handsome building way back when.
The photography is really beautiful: great charm
of abandoned places!
Wow, I've missed a few posts. This is a great building. Looks a little spooky though. I think it might be the angle of the shot. Reminds me of something out of a old horror movie. Wonder what it looks like at night.
It's very beautiful though.
My husband and I drove by the building today. We have always wondered what the building had been used for. Today for some reason we could read the words on the building. It says, Summerfield School. We were actually searching for Summerfield, Fl history when we found this site. Great picture! and if anyone can tell us anything about the building, that would be great.
I live in summerfield and we stop by alot... its a school! the first in the town! on the top of the building it say "SUMMERFIELD SCHOOL"
I live in Summerfield & am wondering the location of this building.
This building was the first elementry school in summerfield I would love to make this a shelter for women and children in need of a place to start a new life of independance. just don't have any backing for it.
@ Vickie: Thanks for stopping by. Hope you get some backing 'cause I think your idea is wonderful!
this was a elementary school i went there in the 60's the lunch room was in the back of the school the grades were 1st to 6th.
Thanks for the info, Sherry.
What is the history on that school sherry? Could you possible tell me more? I've lived close to it for 20yrs now but it always called my attention to find out why it is now closed?
I live in summerfield and look for it history . what road is this on .
To Trapper John: This photo was taken a long time ago and I don't remember the name of the road. As I recall it's on the same road as the First Baptist Church - go south and it sort of dead-ends. It is an old school and you might find more information by Googling "Summerfield Elementary School."
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