Although we haven't eaten at Thai Ruby's (Lake Sumter Landing) yet, we hear the food is very good. So, we'll visit soon. I think this gentleman ate his full, and is backing out his golf car to return to his home in the Lake Sumter Landing area.
The photo will get larger if you dare click on it.
How neat to drive those little putt putts around. I could drive around in my Gator. MB
Very dangerous manoeuvre. i like that chimney post.
Nobody walks there? A short stroll after dinner?
I clicked on the photo to "embiggen" it - nice shot, Jacob Meister!
You'll have to tell us how you like the food!
@ Safe Leif - I'll bet you had to look up the word, "embiggen," first!
@ VP - I wouldn't say nobody walks. Sometimes we walk 2 or 3 blocks all at once!
What a strange golf-cart world. It might be nice, but seems strange. I like the architecture of that restaurant. Looks Polynesian to me.
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