Lois Anne and I spent Mother's Day at Walt Disney World's Epcot Center in Orlando. As we were walking along near the British exhibition, these two characters drove by. They saw my camera, stopped to pose, laughing and giggling the whole while. They must be the happiest pair or silliest pair of people I've seen in a long time. Their cart was filled with plastic flamingos and, as you can see, has a water hose hanging on the front. I expect they were planting those flamingos in appropriate garden spots around Epcot.
Great fun! And if they see this - thank you very much!
What a funny day! They looks really adorable and friendly!
I guess this kind of "flamingo" :-) is a traditional flower in Florida!
I love the colors of your photographs...You and Lois Anne must visit us in the UP (with your cameras)
Good grief! Fancy driving down Versailles castle grounds like that!!!! ;-)
Fun Fun Fun, til her daddy takes the golf cart away! hehehehe
There's a fine line between happy and silly! A colourful moment well captured.
Excellent, I still have cramps in the stomach, I laugh so much!! You are right this guys are the most funniest ever!!! Thanks for sharing!
Very funny! When I was at Disney, we saw too old ladies riding on those wheelchair scooters and full beers in the drink holder. It was truly a sight to see.
@ Denise...I think one of these two is a man...and they were really hilarious.
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