Friday, May 22, 2009

Sculpture - Cedar Key style

If one is going to fashion a sculpture relevant to Cedar Key, nothing is more relevant than a fisherman. This sculpture stands next to a gift shop along Main Street. I find it quirky, humorous, even. There's a slight problem, of course: The fish is coming out of the ground. I guess it is necessary to engage one's imagination.


cieldequimper said...

I think it's fun too. Have you never fished in the ground?

brattcat said...

My daughters had a book called WACKY WEDNESDAY in which the young reader needed to find the things that were not quite right in each picture. This would definitely fit right into that book.

Jacob said...

@ Ciel - Actually, I have fished in the ground - under water...have snagged the bottom on numerous occasions, dragging up shoes, fishing lines, boots, and other detritus.

Cezar and Léia said...

This guy is THE fisherman... I never managed to fish anything in water and even less in the ground... However I've been fished by a mermaid...

Jacob said...

Okay Cezar, you've got my attention. You want to tell us more about the "mermaid" and how she fished you and how she caught you?

Clueless in Boston said...

It is sort of a whimsical statue, and pretty well done too.

bfarr said...

Wit and whimsy. This one has both. Thanks for sharing.

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello Jacob...
You know...It's hard to be far away from my Water Kingdom but I do it in the name of Love! However such millenarian powers and secrets of enchanting humans are not to be disclosed publicly, so I'm afraid I can't help you... ;-)

Jacob said...

Aw, Mermaid! I'm so disappointed, but I do understand...if you gave away your secrets, they wouldn't be secret and/or effective anymore. Does the man you enchanted have any clue as to how he was captured by your millenarian powers?

Or how lucky he was?

Cezar and Léia said...

I was throwing stones in the water on a lonely day and then...

Jacob said...

@ Cezar - If I wasn't happily married I'd hunt you down and make you show me the stones you used and the water into which you threw then...then I'd wait for a lonely day...