GREAT country club shots! The flowers are particularly wonderful in the last photo! Do you were golfing shoes around the course with your camera? LCA greetings from Minnesota!
I am LOL, when you posted Arnie's golf shop I cracked wise about opening a golf course (did you notice when you go to type an F you often hit the d?) and there it is, Arnie works fast
Beautiful club for sure. The last photo with all the flowers is truly wonderful. I suppose the climate in Florida is perfect for landscaping like that. I'm jealous.
This is so fantastic !! I really loved the way it is maintained!!Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan
I love the first one, it's so calm. And so many flowers in the last one, gorgeous!
More and more I would like to move here or visit! Can you show us some people, too?
Not to say less of the others, but the second and the last shots are magic: wonderful scenery so perfectly composed in your images.
GREAT country club shots! The flowers are particularly wonderful in the last photo! Do you were golfing shoes around the course with your camera? LCA greetings from Minnesota!
Thanks Leif! There was a time when I first retired I wore my golf shoes a lot - I played almost every day for awhile...
This Palmer club is amazing!
Have a great day!
I am LOL, when you posted Arnie's golf shop I cracked wise about opening a golf course (did you notice when you go to type an F you often hit the d?) and there it is, Arnie works fast
Beautiful place.
Look at those colorful flowers ...
Beautiful club for sure. The last photo with all the flowers is truly wonderful. I suppose the climate in Florida is perfect for landscaping like that. I'm jealous.
I'm not a golfer, but this looks like a lovely place. It would make a great area for a wedding reception or other nice party.
@ Daryl - I hit all kinds of crazy letters, and sometimes when I go back and read what I've written, it makes no sense at all!
Very nice!
Congratulations, is a wonderful series!
Ohhhh, I'm speacheless. I will not show these pictures to Mr Asta, because then he would want to go there right away!
I love the color of the sky. It's so beautiful! And the flowers and the water fountains. Wonderful!
Best regards
Beautiful! I especially like the effect of the water among the palm trees on the 2nd photo.
Gorgeous colors. Picture perfect!
This is so fantastic !! I really loved the way it is maintained!!Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan
I'd be more impressed walking this course I'd forget I was golfing. Beautiful course.
Gorgeous pictures! The sky in the first one has magic colours. Great choice!
I live in The Villages and the course and clubhouse are beautiful.
Thanks, Tom. We drove around the area when the Palmer course was still in the planning amazing transformation.
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