There are a number of iquanas that live among the rocks in a pond behind our daughter's house in Davie, Florida. Most stayed hidden during our recent visit, but I spied this fellow sitting up on a rock sunning himself. When he observed me coming closer, he hunched down over the rock perhaps to hide from perceived danger.
He was still at a distance, however, which made a good photograph difficult. I'd guess he's about four feet long.
wow, that is a big iguana. Dave has shown us many iguana on his Costa Rica Daily Photo site, but your photo looks like you have capture the largest iguana. I thought it was going to be an alligator.Thanks for your comments on the Phoenician and Camelback Mountain series on my site.
I'm not an reptile expert but this thingy appears huge to me. Iguanas aren't so dangerous, right? Its size is still impressive.
Buenos Aires Photo
@ Buenos Aires...it's fairly big for an iguana...but not as big as it could be. They are normally frightened of humans, but will bite if attacked and they're quite strong. They also live in the trees at our daughter's house but they're very hard to see as the blend in so well -- you can "see" them playing sometimes as the trees look like a huge wind hit them with branches and leaves flying...
Its position is just too funny, as if it were rocking back and forth. Great camouflage job too. And finally, excellent shot!
A "Iguana"! Wonderful shot and thanks for sharing it!
O Geeeez. I'd have to prefer the hidden variety!
Poor title. I would have called it, "Rock with Iguana on top." Great photo though.
Wow I'm so proud that you actually found your iguana back there at Cheryls! And of course another great photo.
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