The Grand Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles is an international charitable organization. This was the float they entered in the Seafood Festival parade. You can read more about the group here.
Click on photo to embiggen - but only if you're not afraid of big-beaked eagles!
I am afraid! That was the first thing I thought when I saw the pic. MB
@ MB - You're so silly; I know you're a great friend of Eagles and that you soar like an eagle!
Just paint his feathers blue and he'd feel right at home in my university!
I sure hope they didn't pluck any eagles for those feathers! ;)
An eagle as symbol for charity? Hmmm, that's new to me...
God bless you!
Oh this is great! I love floats and parades, this eagle is cool, even though it scares MB!
Big beaked eagles don't SKEER me! I'm a BIG WAR EAGLE Auburn fan. :)
See how smoothly I worked that in??
@ Virginia - Can someone be a smoothie and a blatherer at the same time?
Actually, I think it looks more like a great big ol' Thanksgiving turkey.
Where is cwdar Key ?????????
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