Would you entrust your financial security to a trust company that is located in what appears to be a replica of an old school building? Of course! It's a beautiful building, located in downtown Lake Sumter Landing. I'd go inside but I'm afraid I'd learn something.
Click to embiggen.
You can go inside only if you are 'trust' worthy. MB
Nice building, I would like a school like this. A pity it isn't a school at all!
I'm not sure I can TRUST them.... Maybe if they had an LPL Financial Advisor on staff!
@ Safe Leif - Hmmm...and it just so happens that you are an LPL Financial Advisor who might be persuaded to move to Lake Sumter Landing ... ?
And the old schools use to have a bell, real one!It's cool, in Brazil it's so different!
But the point...Why did they some "replica of old school building" to run business? I could not understand,but I think there is a reason!:)
And you are right, school is a place where you always learn something!hummm maybe they are selling knowledge!
Anyway, this building is so beautiful!
@ Small City - That's very good, Mary Beth!
An old school building? Obviously the association with a school and learning would not hurt our financial experts. A good rap on the wrist with a birch switch might get their attention.
Lovely building, and the weather - wow, I envy you:)
I could trust them for sure!
You're right Jacob, it's a lovely building! You know, I would have loved to go to a school like that one, it would have had to be white though. Like in Little House on the Prairie. Yes, I know, I'm nuts.
It looks nice, and the light/colors are beatiful!
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