Friday, May 8, 2009

Yes, it is a church

One might not think this was a church driving by, so those in charge put up a big sign out front which reads simply "Church." It is located near Summerfield, Florida, and is actually named Calvary Community Church.


~Cheryl said...

They also have a nice cross/steeple there on the right! ;)

Cezar and Léia said...

Different Church...looks more a house or school!
Nice picture!

cieldequimper said...

Exactly what I was saying earlier on. I was so amazed at some American churches who looked like homes!

Unknown said...

Now, this one makes sense! There is some coherence here, it's humble!

Lowell said...

@ Ciel - we're pretty homely here...oops, I mean homey!

crocrodyl said...

It really doesn't look like a church:) Interesting. I am wondering if this building was build as a church or as a normal house which became church?

Lowell said...

Thank you all!

Cheryl - I really hadn't noticed that; but you're right.

Ciel and m_m - I'm sure this was originally a house that has been converted for use as a church.