Saturday, May 8, 2010

Marion County Schools - headquaters

The Marion County Schools building is located in the old downtown area. It's a fairly large district with about 30 elementary schools, eight middle schools and eight high schools. It also operates a variety of other schools such as charter and technical schools.

The building is guarded in front by this colorful horse - one of the 55 plus horses around the area which are part of Ocala's "Horse Fever."

Note: This post is a mistake; it has been reposted to Ocala Daily Photos.


Cezar and Léia said...

Lovely art in the first picture! Léia is particularly fond of the koala, I just don't know how to get one of those... :)
God bless you!

brattcat said...

I love that horse standing watch. So much energy.

Rose said...

That horse is well done...must be a lot of kids to have that many schools! That is probably more than our county plus a neighboring county.

joo said...

That horse is so funny with all those paintings:)